How SpeechCoach AI Works

Every great speaker had a coach; yours is just a tap away!

The Basics

SpeechCoach AI is an iOS app that puts high-quality speech and debate coaching in the palm of your hand.

Here’s how it works:

  • When you open SpeechCoach AI, Sky the fox will ask you to pick a speech and debate event.
  • Click record and give your speech!
  • Once you finish, SpeechCoach AI will process your speech and offer extensive feedback and actionable advice.

Valuable Coach Feedback, Instantly

Unlock Your Potential In Real-time

At the heart of SpeechCoach AI is the promise to deliver transformative speech and debate feedback instantaneously. No longer will you have to wait for scheduled sessions to get feedback from a coach. Our cutting-edge artificial intelligence provides concise, constructive, and crucial feedback at the snap of a finger. This immediacy is a game-changer, allowing you to adapt, adjust, and advance with every speech you deliver.

The Tech

A Symphony of Algorithms and Learning Models

Beneath the intuitive interface of SpeechCoach AI lies a dense network of cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning models. By continuously learning from user inputs and coach feedback, our AI evolves, ensuring the advice you receive is always top-notch.

When you give a speech, the app uses advanced AI to analyze thousands of factors that make a good speech. The algorithms are specialized for each speech and debate event – Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas, Congressional Debate, Original Oratory, and Extemporaneous Speaking – to look at specific practices that prove successful within that event. In seconds, our AI processes that information and gives you paragraphs worth of valuable feedback with specific instructions about how to improve your skills.

Informed by Real Coaches

A Legacy of Coaching Expertise

We respect tradition and value expertise. That’s why our proprietary algorithms aren’t just any ordinary tech innovations; they are fueled by decades worth of speech and debate coaching wisdom. Real coaches, with lifetimes of experience, have contributed their expertise to inform and shape our AI, ensuring it mirrors human intuition, strategy, and feedback with uncanny accuracy.

Our app recognizes the subtleties of effective speech and debate strategies that only seasoned coaches understand. From argument construction to rhetorical techniques, SpeechCoach AI is like having a panel of expert coaches, each contributing their insights for your benefit.

Improving Accessibility

Lowering Barriers to Improvement

We believe that everyone deserves access to quality coaching, irrespective of geography, financial constraints, or availability of local expertise. With SpeechCoach AI, coaching is no longer confined to classroom walls or elite institutions. Whether you’re a student in a bustling city or a passionate speaker in a remote town, elite coaching is now at your fingertips.

Just the Beginning

A Journey of Continuous Innovation

We’re committed, not just to excellence, but to perpetual enhancement. As proud as we are of what SpeechCoach AI offers today, we’re even more excited about tomorrow. Our team is hard at work, developing more features, refining our AI’s capabilities, and expanding our range of training modules.

In addition to constant improvements to our existing AI models, we already have some exciting new features in the works that will allow you to complete guided practices to further improve your skills.

Your Feedback Matters

Join us on this journey. Your feedback, success stories, and suggestions shape the future of SpeechCoach AI. With every update, every tweak, we aim to make this tool even more indispensable to your speech and debate journey.

Transform your speech and debate skills with an app that combines the wisdom of ages with the technology of the future. Welcome to SpeechCoach AI – where tradition meets innovation. Join us, and elevate your speech and debate prowess to heights you never imagined.

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